Thursday, July 31, 2014

More Summer Adventures

Celebrating my birthday in Saugatuck!  Silas looks excited.....

Breakfast in South Haven for Papa's Birthday!

Loves playing in the sand and pulling apart seaweed clumps.....

At the Red Dock

Strolling around Muskegon

Pool time fun in the backyard!

Lunch with Grams at Boatwerks in Holland!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

11 month update

I cannot believe Silas will be a year old in just a few short weeks.  It seems like that day in the hospital was just yesterday.  Everybody says it... the days are long, but the years are short and I believe that more than anything after nearing the end of his first year.  

At 11 months, Silas' sleeping habits have been pretty inconsistent but whats new... I think Jordan and I both have pretty much given up on any sort of "game plan" for the nightly wails.  His latest thing is waking up a couple hours earlier than normal, only to go back to bed 45 minutes later.  

His current favorite hobbies include shredding paper into a million pieces all over the floor, emptying all bags and baskets of items only to not be interested in any of it, and throwing things down the stairs.  
And also just being a boy in general.... getting into everything, making messes, constantly bumping his head, you know..... keeping things interesting and keeping mama extremely exhausted.  
Today's new trick was performed at the store when he learned how to stand up in the seat of the cart while buckled in.  That boy has talent (and ambition).  
Still no walking (but he is getting braver with taking a few steps here and there) and still no words.  
Well, at least no words that really make sense.  
His vocabulary mainly consists of "baa" "woah" "wow" and "mum".  Oh and there is an occasional high pitched "dadadadadada".  We will go ahead and assume that's for daddy.