Silas is officially a year and a half!
I would not say he is "talking" much more per say, but his speech is developing more and more.
Currently, he loves to say Matt. Matt Matt Matt (two of my friends are dating guys named Matt).
He babbles a lot and is using consonants more often... sometimes you can ask him to say a word and he will try to repeat it. Sometimes. And when he says "Bye Daddy" in the morning when Jordan leaves for work, it's pretty much the cutest thing in the world.
He has begun the "toddler picky eating stage" where one day he will like something, the next day he will not. When you put food on his tray he won't eat it, but if you feed it to him he will. When you try to feed him something he knows he does not want he squints really hard. Blueberries are still probably his favorite, but who knows.....maybe next week he won't touch them.
I really am not sure when he will kick the ripping paper phase because he still LOVES it. I don't get it. It's a win lose situation for us parents because it will keep him busy for a good 10-20 minutes if we need it, but then we have to clean up the hundreds of small shreds of magazine spread across our floors. Another negative coming out of this situation is he does not know what paper is okay to tear, and what is not okay.... which means just board books for us as of now and you better not leave and dollar bills or important paperwork lying around.
Silas has also been getting up way too early for his own good (throw in some 18 month sleep regression as well which entails middle-of-the-night SCREAM crying). He usually goes to bed around the same time give or take a half-hour. For the longest time, he was getting up between 8-9... then it changed to between 7-8 for a few months, now it is between 6-7. This morning I woke up on my own around 6:15, just lying there HOPING he would sleep a little longer. I got a half hour more sleep before I heard him. And I know it's not that early, but you best BELIEVE I like to get my 8 hours of sleep if I can, so it just means an earlier bed time for myself.
When Silas is not whining, he is a pretty cool dude... a natural born chiller.
"Please mum, NO MORE PICTURES!!"