Monday, May 12, 2014

9 Month Update

 We just got back from Silas' 9 month well visit.  He is now 29 inches long, and 20 pounds.  Growing boy!

He FINALLY started crawling on all fours the night he turned 9 months.  We thought he might just go from creeping to walking without the transition, but he discovered his knees and my word is he getting quick!!  He moves quite well walking around furniture also.  This little guy cannot relax... he always has to be on the go.

  And he is STILL not sleeping through the night.  I talked to our pediatrician today and he said you might just have to let him cry it out.... which we have tried, but with some hesitation at times (I can't bear to hear him cry for hours on end, but if he wakes just a few hours after going to bed, we will let him cry, or if he cries after he has been fed and changed, we let him cry).  Majority of the time he wakes up after about 6 hours, I change him and feed him, put him back down and he goes back to sleep for another 6 hours or so.  But I know he doesn't need to be fed, and I suppose he is not necessarily hungry... so I guess we could try it out.

Other than the wailing at night, he is a pretty happy baby.  He now has 4 teeth, and likes a variety of food.  We try to feed him little bits of whatever we are having for our meals, along with his usual stuff.  There hasn't been much that he doesn't like.  He really enjoyed his asparagus he had at dinner the other night :)


  1. Love your blog! It is so much fun seeing Silas's progress. What a beautiful boy he is.
