Silas officially turned a half year old yesterday. Such a big boy!
At 6 months, he is rolling and scooting all over the place. He can sit on his own for a bit, but still needs to get the hang of catching himself when he topples over so he doesn't face-plant. He has been "rocking" for over a month now and just this morning we witnessed some actual forward movement for the first time. Here comes trouble....
His favorite things right now are our cats, playing his version of peek-a-boo, the remote controls, the computer cord, and a Fisher Price baby app in which he is learning ABCs, counting and shapes. He also loves bouncing in his Jumperoo, and although he still isn't giggling much, he is full of smiles!! Still waiting for teeth though!
We have our 6 month doctor appointment on Monday and I am looking forward to seeing how much he has grown since his last appointment.
On the mama front, I am officially starting to feel things fall into place as a mom. It may have taken 6 months, but the days are so much easier, and I am finally getting used to everything. It is still hard getting up at night (yes, still, only once though), but even that is starting to feel normal. Silas' personality is coming out more and more every day which also helps. I am so excited for the weather to warm up (anything above freezing would be nice... this snow has been relentless) so I can take Silas out more now that he is not as temperamental as he once was. This summer will be great!! He's gonna be a real looker in a swimsuit!
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