Monday, April 7, 2014

8 month Update

Wow, has this kid learned new tricks in the last month.

Silas can now climb up the stairs and pull himself on low-standing furniture.  Unfortunately he has not quite mastered the art of falling gracefully, which has led to a few bumps on the noggin as well as some tears.  He is getting into everything as well.  He loves crawling to the cat food and filling his little paws with it (luckily, he doesn't put it in his mouth YET).  He also enjoys pulling all the records off the shelf, and he just learned to clap so that's pretty fun for him too.  I don't think standing by himself is too far off and then he will be walking shortly after that.  Crazy!

 His two bottom teeth are coming in, but taking forever....  the bottom right has been working its way in for over a month now and only about halfway up, and tooth number two is just cutting through the surface.  They are still not very visible unless he his smiling really huge!

He babbles quite a bit and even sounds like he is saying mama (mom, mum) although I am pretty sure his random noises just sound a lot like it because he also says "bob" a lot. too.. not sure who bob is.

We are slowly working in foods that are a little more solid like a few puffs here and there and little bits of crackers, toast, and even egg.  We are officially putting the high chair up this week (we have just been using an attachable chair) and I would like Silas to start exploring more foods and start getting used to the idea of feeding himself with whole pieces of fruits and veggies.

My little baby is growing up so fast....

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